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The Bexley Selection Test

As an academy, Bexley Grammar School is its own admissions authority, and as such is responsible for its own admissions arrangements. Bexley Grammar School has chosen to use the same standard for selection as that used in the London Borough of Bexley for admission to all grammar schools within the Local Authority. The use of the Bexley LA standard for selection by Bexley Grammar School is part of a coordinated approach for admissions to grammar schools in Bexley.

Children who gain an age standardised test score in the Bexley Selection Test, which is above the standard prescribed by Bexley LA for admittance to selective schools in Bexley (these children are deemed selective) will be eligible to be considered for entry to Bexley Grammar School.

The Bexley Selection Test consists of two papers containing a mixture of questions on verbal reasoning and comprehension, non-verbal reasoning and mathematical reasoning. Each paper is divided into timed sections, most questions are multiple-choice, and all answers are marked on a separate machine-readable answer sheet.

Test sessions for Year 6 children take place in September annually on weekdays only (Monday to Friday). In 2023, test sessions took place during the week beginning 11th September. All children registered for the Bexley Selection Test will be invited to a test session, either in their own school or at a test centre. This invite will be shared with parents/ carers in early September.

It is the responsibility of parents / carers to ensure that registration for the Bexley Selection Test has been completed by the end of June, if parents / carers would like their child to sit the test in September of Year 6. All parents / carers who register their child for the test will be sent a link to familiarisation materials.

We strongly recommend that parents / carers read the information outlined in the links below. These links provide information regarding the content, difficulty and format of the test.

About the test | London Borough of Bexley

Information for parents | London Borough of Bexley

Parents / carers can contact Bexley LA School Admissions Team on 0208303777 or via if they have any questions about the Bexley Section Test.

Please note that in the case of a Year 5 child moving into the area in July or August in exceptional and extenuating circumstances, and wishing to sit the Bexley Selection Test in September of year 6 despite missing the end of June test registration deadline, parents / carers are advised to contact the Bexley LA School Admissions Team on 02083037777 or to request a late registration for the Bexley Selection Test.