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School Fund

Without the School Fund, Bexley Grammar School would still offer an outstanding academic education but many of the additional activities that make it such a vibrant and exciting place in which to learn would not be possible.

We ask for a contribution of £40 per family per year

The Bexley Grammar School Fund is a resource used to widen the range of learning opportunities offered to the students. This voluntary fund allows us a flexibility that other funds do not. One of the aspects of school life that makes Bexley Grammar School unique is our House system by which students are involved in sports, drama, dance, swimming, gardening and other activities which develop them as individuals and help to build a sense of community. 

In addition to the House System, the school fund pays for planners to help students organise their work, pays for outstanding students to receive prizes at Speech Day and subsidises the costs of some school visits. We use it to encourage inclusion by supporting both individual students and projects like Peer Mentoring (which develops both the student mentor and the student that he or she supports). We give students in the School Council a say in how some of the fund is spent. In the past three years, for example, we funded performances by theatre groups exploring issues of mental health, online safety, radicalisation and extremism. We provide pupil planners and your generosity also underwrites a range of co-curricular activities that might not otherwise be possible to run.

These are all made possible by the generous contributions of parents to the School Fund. We ask for a contribution of £40 per family per year. Payments should be made through Parent Pay. (For those who pay income tax, the school can claim back the tax from the Inland Revenue, boosting your contribution by a quarter.)

Without the School Fund, Bexley Grammar School would have a different character – it would still offer an outstanding academic education but many of the additional activities that make it such a vibrant and exciting place in which to learn would have to be cut.


If you have not yet contributed this year or your circumstances are such that you are able to give more than the suggested contribution, please go to ParentPay . Additionally, if you would like to specify a donation for a particular area, such as funding books for the library, textbooks for specific subjects or prizes for students for Speech Day, or any other area of school life, you are very welcome to do so. 

Thank you.