Welcome to the Mathematics Department at Bexley Grammar School!
The aims of the Mathematics Department are to:
- develop, maintain and stimulate students' curiosity, interest and enjoyment in mathematics.
- develop students familiarity with appropriate mathematical concepts, principles, methods and vocabulary.
- develop students' understanding of mathematics in its widest context and to see how it relates to themselves outside school.
- communicate mathematics clearly, concisely and confidently in a variety of contexts.
- develop logical and creative thinking in problem solving to instil confidence in using mathematics.
- encourage students to develop personal qualities such as politeness, perseverance, resilience, initiative, self confidence and independence.
- independently and collaboratively extend their understanding of mathematics.
- develop the ability to reflect critically upon their own work and the work of others.
- to enable all students to have equal access to mathematics and to experience success in their work.
- to allow students to develop transferable skills and informed opinions about their mathematics and to be able to support them by reasoned argument.
key stage 3
In Year 7 students are taught mathematics as a form and they have seven fifty-minute lessons per fortnight. The scheme of work is based upon the "New National Framework for Mathematics" series by K M Vickers and is underpinned by the Key Objectives in the National Framework for Teaching Mathematics. Throughout the key stage, students study all the main areas of mathematics, (number, algebra, shape and space and data handling), with the emphasis being on using and applying mathematics to solve problems. Students have access to a wide range of resources via google classrooms, including schemes of work, electronic text books, websites, revision materials and videos.
The department subscribes to the Mymaths learning platform which is useful tool for students to self learn any topics they have missed due to absence or for revising key topics they have forgotten. Homework is set twice a week, each being approximately 25-30 minutes, and students access this via google classrooms. Formal assessments take place each half term to monitor students’ progress.
In years 8 and 9 students are set according to ability.
key stage 4
In Years 10 and 11 students have seven fifty minute lessons per fortnight and are set according to ability. The curriculum is based on the Edexcel linear specification 1MA1 which does not have a coursework component. All students currently follow the higher level course, with the aim of most students achieving grades 9-7. The emphasis in Key Stage 4, as in Key Stage 3, is on using and applying mathematics to solve problems.
Half termly assessments take place to monitor students progress. As in Key Stage 3 students have access to a wide range of resources via google classrooms, including schemes of work, electronic text books, websites, revision materials and videos.
During the latter half of Year 11, students are given the opportunity to practice past examination papers so that they become familiar with the style of exam questioning and the types of questions which often appear.
sixth form
The department offers the following IB courses in the Sixth Form:
- IB Analysis and Approaches - Standard Level and Higher Level
- IB Applications and Interpretations - Standard Level
Extensive use of a graphical calculator is made in all Sixth Form mathematics courses and consequently all students are required to have their own graphical calculator. (Casio FXCG50).
extra curricular activities
Junior, Intermediate and Senior Maths Challenge
UK Maths Team Challenge
Year 13 STEP preparation for Oxbridge candidates
Mathematics in Action
View a sample of students' work below and enjoy a Year 7 Maths lesson...
Mathematics Photo Gallery