Life at BGS
Bexley Grammar School Sixth Form enjoys highly committed, well qualified staff, excellent resources, High Performing Specialist Status (Languages, Science with Mathematics and Leading Edge) and a wealth of extra-curricular activities, all of which go toward creating a dynamic learning environment and providing an enriching educational experience for our students.
Our Aims and Expectations for Sixth Formers:
- To promote academic excellence
- To develop the personal and academic abilities of all our students
- To ensure that every student successfully participates in all aspects of the school life (sporting, music, drama, art, languages and the environment)
- To develop the leadership potential of all students through the setting of high standards of behaviour, appearance, achievement and endeavour
- To take an active role in leadership of the school
- To take responsibility for own learning
- To promote the school ethos to younger students
Comments from our Ofsted Report:
- "Sixth Form provision is outstanding. Students make excellent progress and achieve results that are significantly higher than those found nationally".
- "Sixth Form lessons typically feature interesting activities and high levels of intellectual challenge".
- "Those students who join from other schools settle quickly and achieve as well as their classmates".
- The Sixth Form offers "a very rich and varied curriculum, including an impressive enrichment programme".