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How many external students do you admit into year 12?

The majority of our Year 11 cohort gain entry to Year 12 leaving anywhere between 50 and 100 new students with places in any given year.

Are the entry criteria for external students the same as for internal students?

Yes. The Admissions Policy (see Policies) sets internal students as a priority so that in practice, external students are filtered using the oversubscription criteria: “External candidates in descending rank order of their predicted average GCSE points score across their best eight subjects (including English and Mathematics) provided by their current school”.

How does the points system work?

Each of the six subjects is graded out of seven. The Extended Essay and Theory of Knowledge are combined to give up to three core points. The total Diploma score is therefore a maximum 45 points.

Do you have any links with universities? if so, which universities?

Bexley Grammar School nurtures links with many universities and offers a wide range of opportunities to our students to attend events at these and other universities. We have an Oxbridge Co-ordinator who supports students applying to Oxford and Cambridge as well as other top Universities and we correspond regularly with admissions tutors at a wide range of institutions. Most years our students gain places at 20 or more of the 24 Russell Group (top UK) universities.

What universities do students go on to?

Please see the Careers, Higher Education & Destinations page for the destinations of our latest cohort.

What percentage of your ib students gain their first choice place at university?

This varies from year to year. In the last three years it has been close to 90% with the rest making their reserve offer or gaining a place through the clearing process.