Curriculum - Overview
Curriculum - Intent
The curriculum at Bexley Grammar School is designed to inspire and challenge our students at every level in the school. It is ambitious, preserving breadth while encouraging depth of exploration. It is balanced, relevant and differentiated to match the needs, abilities and aspirations of our students. It promotes the spiritual, moral, social, cultural, mental and physical development of each student and prepares students for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life.
Our curriculum helps students to prepare for higher education and beyond with a global perspective rooted in our school ethos: intellect, empathy and courage.
Intellect: We teach knowledge and skills and draw out the talents of our students.
Empathy: We develop students who are inquisitive, open-minded, balanced, reflective and thoughtful.
Courage: We nurture personal qualities such as determination, integrity and confidence.
These three words embody the IB learner profile through which we aim to develop students who are:
- Inquirers
- Knowledgeable
- Thinkers
- Communicators
- Principled
- Open-minded
- Caring
- Risk-takers
- Balanced
- Reflective
This development begins in year 7 with a full curriculum including Art, Computing, Drama, Latin, Music, Physical Education and Technology. The breadth, depth and challenge is maintained at GCSE where all students take, in addition to Mathematics and English, the three separate sciences, two languages, a humanities subject and two options subjects. It then culminates in the sixth form with the world class International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) in which all students follow a personalised programme which includes Mathematics, English, a language, a science, two additional subjects and a core of knowledge, skills, creativity, action and service.
curriculum - implementation
Bexley Grammar School prides itself on its reputation for nurturing excellent relationships between students and teachers. We raise aspirations, grow confidence and develop young people into resilient citizens and compassionate leaders. A thriving House system and a wealth of extra-curricular activities build on our extensive formal curriculum.
All students have equal opportunities to the curriculum at all key stages; in specific circumstances, in liaison with parents, an individual student may be disapplied from a given subject in exceptional circumstances, for example, on medical grounds. The curriculum for students with SEND is adapted to their individual needs as required (see SEND information).
The curriculum progresses from Year 7, through GCSE (where all students follow the Ebacc) to the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) in the Sixth Form.
Year 7 students study the full range of traditional subjects (Mathematics, English, Science, Geography, History, RS, Computing, Design Technology, Art, Drama, Music, PE) as well as Latin and either French or German and a course in PSHCE which includes Citizenship.
Year 8 students choose a second modern foreign language from a wide range including French, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Chinese and Japanese.
Year 9 is a transition year in which the focus is split between creative exploration, depth of study and preparation for GCSE.
Students in years 10 and 11 take GCSEs in Mathematics, English Language, English Literature, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, two Language subjects plus three subjects chosen from a wide range including at least one Humanity. All students are therefore entered for the Ebacc while having two choices from a wide choice of creative subjects; every effort is made to provide students with the options of their choice.
Students in the Sixth Form follow the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP). The IBDP (usually abbreviated to the IB) consists of three subjects taken at Higher level and three subjects at Standard level. Alongside an extended essay, study of the Theory of Knowledge (ToK) and elements of Creativity, Action and Service (CAS), the IB provides a world-renowned set of qualifications which prepare our young people to succeed at university and to flourish in our increasingly global society. Our IB success is at the root of our remarkable record of university and degree-level apprenticeship destinations.
curriculum - impact
Outcomes from the IDSR 2021 (2019 results)
- For the following EBacc subject(s), the average point score was in the highest 20% of schools nationally:
- Mathematics (7.2), English Literature (6.5), French (6.7), English Language (6.4), History (6.6), Spanish (6.9), Computer Science (7.2) and German (6.8).
- Languages value added (1.4) was significantly above the national average and in the highest 20% of all schools in 2019 as well as in 2018 and 2017.
- Attainment of grade 4+ in science (100%), languages (100%) and humanities (96%) was in the highest 20% of all schools in 2019 as well as in 2018 and 2017.
- For the following subjects outside of the EBacc, the average point score was in the highest 20% of schools nationally and the proportion of entries was at or above the national average:
- Music (7.0), Business Studies (6.1), Drama/Performing Arts (6.4), Applied Art & Design (6.4), Psychology (6.3) and Religious Studies (6.1).
- The EBacc element of Progress 8 (0.5) was significantly above the national average and in the highest 20% of all schools in 2019.
- Overall Attainment 8 (70.5) as well as the English (13.6), Mathematics (14.3), EBacc (22.0) and open (20.5) elements were in the highest 20% of all schools in 2019 as well as in 2018 and 2017.
- Absence and persistent absence was in the lowest 20% of all schools in 2019 as well as in 2018 and 2017.
Outcomes from summer examinations 2022:
Attainment 8 | 76.8 (70.5 in 2019) |
Entered Ebacc | 100% |
Achieved Ebacc | 97% |
Achieved 5 or above in English and Mathematics | 99% |
9-7 grades | 75% |
9-5 grades | 98% |
KS5 - IB (International Baccalaureate)
7-5 grades | 83% |
7-6 grades | 48% |
Average point score per subject | 5.4 |
- PTI (Prince’s Teaching Institute) Mark in 6 subject areas in 2021 - recognition of continuing training and research into effective pedagogy by our teachers.
- ISM (Incorporated Society of Musicians) award in recognition of the school’s commitment to music with particularly high levels of participation and success at GCSE Music.
- Wellbeing Award for Schools
Students at Bexley Grammar School gain the knowledge and cultural capital to succeed beyond their school years and are well-equipped as life-long learners.
Of all students who choose to gain entry to higher education, the vast majority gain their first choice of university or degree-level apprenticeship.
2022 destinations:
- 6 Oxbridge places;
- 55% of students gained places at Russell Group universities;
- BGS students gained places at 20/24 Russell Group universities;
- Students gained placed in several prestigious degree apprenticeships, including GSK, BA and Deloitte