Support for students
Bexley Grammar School employs its own Careers and Higher Education Adviser, in addition to providing access to independent and impartial advice from Prospects. Please see our Provider Access Policy below.
The Careers department offers support to students in all areas relating to choices, careers, work experience and university applications, including interview preparation. Students can make appointments for careers interviews with the school's Careers and HE Adviser or with the visiting Careers Adviser from Prospects or they can come to the careers department at breaks or lunch times for information and advice.
Careers Resources
The careers department utilises a variety of websites and web-based software to support students to access careers advice. Students in Year 8 and 9 use Unifrog on Power days (collapsed timetable days). Several questionnaires enable these websites to generate ideas of possible jobs or further study which might be of interest. The National Careers Service website offers reliable information about different job roles, as well as CV advice and information about different courses, and a good starting point for finding out about university courses is:
Numerous events related to careers and higher education are also advertised in the school through the weekly Tutor Notices and on various Google Classrooms, giving all students the opportunity to sign up for events that are of interest to them.
Work Experience
All students undertake a one-week work experience placement during the Autumn term of Year 11. The timing of work experience has been chosen to maximise the benefits to students, coinciding with when they are making decisions about post-16 options.
Students are required to find their own Work Experience placement, to replicate the real life experience of looking for work. All relevant insurances and Health and Safety requirements are checked through the Unifrog platform.
Careers Interview and Advice
During Year 11, students are offered an interview with the Careers Adviser from Prospects, either individually or as part of a small group. Additional interviews are arranged for students in Years 9 and 10 as appropriate, as part of the school’s strategy to support students in their behaviour and academic work, and facilitate successful transition to the next stage of their education or training. Students who would benefit from this support should be referred to the Careers and HE Adviser, with a brief indication of the reason for referral.
Careers education is incorporated within the PSHCE curriculum, and is designed to develop students' decision-making skills and self-awareness, and their ability to research the opportunities available to them, in order to prepare each individual for the choices and transitions they will face throughout their education and working life. Visiting speakers from a variety of career areas contribute to the annual BGS Careers Day which includes a bustling Careers Fair for Year 10 and Year 12.
Higher Education
The majority of Bexley Grammar School students go on to higher education. Students are given extensive guidance and support in choosing their pathways, including one-to-one impartial advice and guidance from the school’s own Careers and Higher Education Adviser, as well as input from the highly experienced team of tutors and the 6th form leadership.
A range of activities is provided to support students’ aspirations and assist them both in making well-informed decisions about their future direction and gaining admission to institutions appropriate to their abilities. Students from Year 9 upwards are introduced to different aspects of Higher Education through events including university visits, taster days, short courses and Summer schools. Those aiming at the most selective university courses, including Oxford, Cambridge and medical schools, are supported through: weekly meetings and discussion groups; guest lectures by academics; admissions test and interview preparation; and dedicated all day sessions each term. The school also runs an annual information evening about applying to competitive courses. This attention to careful, informed preparation makes BGS the top school in Bexley for destination success.
Alternatives to University
For those students who are looking at alternative options to University, trips are arranged to Apprenticeship and Insight events. Information sessions are also available for parents of Year 11 and 12 students, so they can be made aware of the other routes their child may take.