What are the chances of a successful appeal to BGS if my daughter missed the pass mark by one mark or less or because we live just beyond the distance criteria?
Bexley Grammar School had an average of 23 appeals each year over the past 3 years (total of 70 appeals); there has been one successful appeal in those 3 years.
The pass mark for the Bexley Selection Test was 212. My daughter scored 211. Should I appeal?
The process for appeals starts after offers of places are sent out (March 2025), but Primary Headteachers can recommend that a student's score is reconsidered at a Headteachers’ Appeal meeting later in the Autumn term 2024 before offers are made in the Spring term 2025.
Parents should be aware that, although 211 is close, there may be 80 or more students who also scored at 211.
What is the Appeals process?
Appeals Process for Year 7 Intake for the Academic Year 2025/26
On National Offer Day (March 2025), if you do not get offered a place for your child to attend Bexley Grammar School and you would like to appeal against this decision, please email Miss R Houghton, School Admissions Administrator and Admission Officer, for a parental appeal form: We will require your child's full name and date of birth. Please only do this after National Offer Day to appeal for a place for the September 2025 intake.
An Appeal Form must be completed and returned to the school with any supporting evidence by: Monday 31st March 2025. Miss Houghton will acknowledge receipt of your appeal and will lodge it with the London Borough of Bexley.
Further information on the appeal process is available at Appeals | London Borough of Bexley.
What is the timescale for APPeals?
Appeals Timetable (including Sixth Form and In-Year)
Any appeals submitted will be heard in accordance with the timescales set out below:
- Appellants will receive at least 10 days’ notice of their appeal hearing. Reasonable deadlines, which should be at least seven working days before the Appeal date, will be set for appellants to submit additional evidence, for the school to submit their evidence, and for the clerk to send appeal papers to the panel and parties. If these deadlines are not met, the Appeal date may be delayed.
- Appeals that are lodged on time for applications made under the normal admission round i.e. for Year 7, will be heard within 40 school days of the deadline for lodging appeals.
- For late applications appeals should be heard within 40 school days from the deadline for lodging appeals where possible, or within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged.
- For applications to Sixth Form, the offer place is conditional upon exam results and therefore appeals will be heard within 30 school days of confirmation of those results.
- For applications for ‘in-year’ admissions, appeals will be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged.
The School Appeals Section at the Borough will write to you with a date for your appeal. Any extra papers for the appeal should be with the School Appeals Section at least 7 working days before the Appeal date otherwise the date may be delayed.
Decision letters will be sent within 5 school days of the hearing wherever possible.