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March 2021

  • The English Department celebrates International Women’s Day

    Published 08/03/21

    International Women’s Day is celebrated on the 8th March. On that day, we celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements that women have accumulated for decades. March 8th is a significant day for women as it reminds us of how everything began. Women’s Day started as a labour movement. In 1908, 15,000 women marched through New York City demanding shorter working hours, better pay and the right to vote. The Socialist Party of America declared the first National Woman's Day in 1909.

    A few students were asked “What does International Women’s Day mean to you?” and these were the responses:

    “International Women’s Day is not just about embodying the empowerment that being a woman creates. It is a day that brings a sense of proudness and joy in the realisation that women have come so far and will continue to do so. The day highlights our accomplishments no matter their race or sexuality or beliefs.” - Jada Asraf-Clarke, 12CSL

    “International Women’s Day is a time for reflection of the past to see how far we have come since then. Additionally, it is a day of appreciation for Women, and a day to make ourselves known to struggles that women have had to face since they had no rights. However, there is still a lot that needs to be changed in regards to the gender gap, and equality in several countries around the world” - Oluwatofunmi Onakoya, 12CSL

     “International Women’s Day is important for recognising the women in our society, and our world, and their value, which is often disregarded. It’s also quite sad because it highlights where we have failed to account for women and how we have to constantly remind ourselves to accommodate them. Its significance is twofold. On the one hand, it shows how we haven’t given enough thought to women, yet on the other hand, through acknowledging this, we are on the way to securing women’s rights and equality.” - Joy Hui,12JMB

    Black writers and their books for you to have on your reading list:

    • I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou
    • Noughts & Crosses by Malorie Blackman
    • The Master’s Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master’s House by Audre Lorde
    • The Color Purple by Alice Walker
    • Swing Time by Zadie Smith
    • Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
    • Sister Outsider by Audre Lorde

    Emily Falegan, English Prefect

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  • Oxford University Virtual Open Day

    Published 01/03/21

    On Saturday, three BGS English students (Jacob, Sasha and I) were up extremely early at 11 o’clock, ready to attend a virtual open day offered by Oxford University’s English department.

    It began, as many of these events do, with a short but useful introduction to English at Oxford, from which we came away with newfound knowledge of the course there, as well as a feel for how we would be taught, and some of the extra opportunities we would be able to take advantage of. One of these was their incredible library, renowned for its historic literary treasures like the letters of Percy Shelley.  Then came the main event: two separate lectures from lecturers at the Oxford colleges. 

    The first was a unique approach to the study of Shakespeare, which focused not on the great writer himself, but his readers. We know how influential Shakespeare is now, but what about the England which existed centuries ago as he wrote? How prevalent and revered was he then? Using satirical pictures, hand-annotated notebooks and a publishing company selling their product with dubious marketing techniques 400 years ago, Shakespeare’s effect on the literary world was shown to be as important as it is today, with his works being widely studied and interpreted.

    After this dip into Elizabethan England, we jumped forward to the Victorian era, and to two of its famous writers, Arthur Conan Doyle and Oscar Wilde, and again looked deeper into how they were received by their audiences. The Sherlock Holmes novel The Sign of Four and Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray were both released at the same time (in the same magazine even) to the same Victorian society, but while Doyle’s was met with widespread acclaim, Wilde’s caused outright anger. Why did novels which both explored realism provoke such different reactions? Although many disliked the homoeroticism of The Picture of Dorian Gray, the question went far deeper morally. While one novel used detail quite obviously to create the classic detective feeling of mystery, the other subverted this to create an almost disturbing feeling of moral detachment in the midst of shocking events.

    The lunch break was meant to be an hour, but the lecturers were caught up with so many questions that the discussions carried on right through, the pair struggling to keep up with a hundred attendees who had just sat through two thought-provoking talks.

    After this was a quick introduction to the application process to Oxford University. This definitely reduced my worries at applying, with the aspects much clearer than before.

    Finally, there came a short Q&A with English students at Oxford, where we learnt some top-tips for interviews and got a flavour for the university, and we were nicely surprised to see an ex-BGS familiar face, Kate Leadbetter, answering some of the questions.

    Overall, it was an incredibly insightful experience. Thanks to Ms Stoddard for the opportunity.

    Lucas Zurdo, Year 12


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March 2021