Congratulations to Year 13 IB students for an historic success!

Nearly double the size of any IB cohort in BGS history, 195 students have been celebrating their results since their publication online on Saturday, I am so proud.
Corinna Dunzendorfer achieved the perfect 45 points alongside only 200 or so students worldwide! Lucy Sargent dropped only one point to gain 44 points, still achieving the maximum 7 points in all 6 of her subjects. Madi Baiguzhayev, Samuel Masters and Helen Norman all achieved 43 points. The list of celebrations is too long to publish...
18 students gained 40 points or more and 19%, nearly one in five students, gained 38 points or more, a typical Oxford University offer. Perhaps even more pleasing, the value-added measure across the whole cohort (the progress from their GCSE starting points at the beginning of Year 12) is the highest of the past 3 years when cohorts were half the size or smaller.
Receiving results so early in the summer is a distinct advantage. Many students secured their first choices immediately and this week, UCAS has been confirming places so that by the end of this week the vast majority, probably close to 90% of those students in the UCAS system will have been accepted into a university of their choice. And this, 5 weeks before A level results are published!
I am delighted for our students, their teachers, their families, indeed for the whole BGS community which celebrates these strong outcomes from the world-class education they have enjoyed. It is remarkable that the average achievement in UCAS points (185 points) of our 195 students exceeds the equivalent of 3 A* grades at A level.
The summer is now theirs to enjoy, secure in the knowledge that they will be studying at some of the most prestigious universities in the world this autumn. We are proud to see such a successful group of young men and women flourish; they have set the bar high for future cohorts.
Mr Elphick, Headteacher