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House Newsletter Articles

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  • Year 7 House Drama & Dance

    Published 28/02/24

    Before half-term on 7th February, House Drama took place and there were some impressive performances! Apart from being a great opportunity to perform, it's always fun to represent your house in a competition. From what has been said, it was an enjoyable experience which was great fun for everyone!  

    Personally, I really enjoyed House Drama as it was a chance to get to know my House better and visualise what it would be like at BGS in my later years. I think all the Houses performed well and, overall, it was a fun and inspiring event.

    Drake, Year 7

    I enjoyed House Drama because we got to watch every House perform. They were all really amazing, and we all just had a fun time. My House (Kirkman) won, and we were all so happy.

    Lakshi, Year 7

    It seems like House Drama was an entertaining experience for all that participated, forming greater connections between peers and giving them the opportunity to socialise. It was also a great way to have a friendly competition and although Kirkman won, everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

    Well done to everybody who participated!

    Aysu and Charlotte, Year 7

    House Drama/Dance is a House competition that is optional for any student of any year to collaborate and make a 5 - 8 minute extract from a list of plays. You will also have to choreograph some dance routines for the plays.

    This year’s list was Shakespeare. Three Houses did ‘Twelfth Night’ and the other three did ‘A Midsummer Night's Dream’. As Wellman, we did A Midsummer Night's Dream. We had to spend a lot of time before school, after school, at break time and during lunch period. The past few weeks we have all put a lot of effort into performing different scenes, and forming two different dances together. It was very hard, as when we put everything together we were three minutes over, so we had to cut some lines, so we wouldn’t lose points. As Wellman Year 7s, we had a whole scene to ourselves and (we assure you) it was the funniest! We (7ML) were part of the mechanicals' scene, which I think we performed to perfection.

    In the end, it all came to a great result: JOINT 2ND WITH MABBS! All together, the performances were extraordinarily amazing and no one should have finished 6th.

    Congratulations to all the Houses!

    Shashi, Year 7

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  • STEM News February 2024

    Published 21/02/24

    House STEM Competition

    Teams of Year 9 and 10 students worked hard over four weeks to create marble runs. The challenge was to keep a ping pong ball moving for the longest period of time and include as many cool design features as possible. As always, the ingenuity, creativity and hard work of our students was evident throughout. All the designs were completely different and lots of clever strategies were implemented to slow down those ping-pong balls, such as; speed bumps, spiralling journeys, spinning gates and bottle top stepping stones. Have a look at some of the winning designs. Well done to Prothero for coming in first place!

    Ms Lusted, Stem Coordinator

    Winner Prothero! 

    (left to right)
    Kirkman, Prothero, Wellman, Mabbs










    Final Results
    1st - Prothero

    2nd - Mabbs
    3rd - Wellman & Kirkman
    4th - Collins
    5th - Johnson


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  • Official BGS Christmas Card for the Headteacher ~ House Competition

    Published 13/12/23

    Earlier this week, students submitted designs for the House annual 'Design the BGS Christmas Card' competition. Miss Harrison and Mr Gilmore from the Art Department, kindly compiled a short-list of card designs for Mr Gilmore (Headteacher) to judge. There were so many genuinely excellent entries using contrasting styles, genres and media that the task was made all the more challenging and choosing the winner was extremely difficult as there were so many designs that would clearly make excellent Christmas cards. However, after much deliberation, the striking winning design, created by Sophia Liakopoulou in Year 7, was chosen. A very impressive achievement for a Year 7 student, especially as her design saw off a great many incredibly clever and beautifully executed designs. Sofia’s design has since been transformed into the official BGS Christmas card for 2023 and sent out to governors, friends of the school and ex-staff. Congratulations Sophia!

    Mrs Arundel, School Office

    Sophia's Winning
    Christmas Card Design 

     Some of the excellent Christmas
    Card Designs for 2023

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  • House Showcase Wednesday 29th March

    Published 29/03/23

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