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Key Stage 3 Newsletter Articles

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  • First Give Presentation Evening

    Published 12/02/25

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  • Well done 8NMG ~ BGS to Impress Event

    Published 15/01/25

    A huge thanks to George Duffort from ellenor.x, for helping 8NMG this year with our First Give project. It was wonderful to collaborate with George, and we can’t wait for our social action, BGS to Impress, to take place in late January. It will be an excellent opportunity to fundraise for such a great charity that helps so many people with life-limiting illnesses that need support.

    The team are such lovely people who are willing to make the lives of others easier, and they deserve a great deal of credit.

    The First Give project has been an amazing chance to open our eyes and learn to appreciate the work of others even more.

    Evelyn Sabin, Year 8


    Well done to Mason and Omar for running a basketball fundraiser event in aid of ellenor.x as part of our First Give project. The event was a hit despite the frosty weather and all big smiles for the grand finale! A massive shout-out to the super bakers of 8NMG (Ally, Ciara, Lucia, Ava) who went above and beyond to help fundraise for ellenor.x in the run-up to our main social action, BGS to Impress!

    Make sure to grab your tickets at a discounted price before the event.

    Ms Goh, Form Tutor


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  • Year 8 First Give Social Action ​​​​​​​

    Published 08/01/25

    Over the past couple of months, Year 8 have been involved in the First Give project and each form has chosen a charity to support. Below you can read about what 8ML and 8LC have been doing for their projects.

    Mrs Paige, Senior Academic Mentor, Year 8


    Wednesday 18th December saw the BGS EX Hide & Seek event hosted by Wellman 8ML. The event was a fundraiser for Bexley Foodbank, a charity which aids local people in crisis, offering three-day emergency food supplies. On that day, so many people were so eager to attend, excited about the opportunity and wanted to donate as they knew it was going to a good cause.

    BGS EX Hide & Seek was a thrilling, fast-paced game of hide and seek, spanning across the vast school campus. Taking place for an hour after school, the game was competitive, exceeding 100 students participating from Years 7-9. The event was split into two 30-minute segments, commencing with 11 seekers from 8ML, whilst others were chosen to be hiders, and vice versa.

    Alongside the main hide-and-seek event, a selection of seven students volunteered to showcase their proficient, high-level expertise in baking through a bake sale. During the bake sale, a variety of baked goods were sold, ranging from banana bread and brownies to cookies.

    We are pleased to announce that with the efforts of all those who participated, we were able to raise a grand total of £158 for the Bexley Foodbank. The event not only provided a fun and engaging way for the community to come together, but also showcased the creativity and dedication of those involved in planning and executing the game. The funds raised will go towards supporting various charitable initiatives, having a positive impact on the lives of those in need. We are very grateful and appreciative of the many students who donated to the charity.

    Joshua and Jake, Year 8


    8LC’s social action for the First Give programme started in early December and all the money we raise from our events will go towards the amazing charity Bexley Snap, which supports disabled children and their carers.

    So far, we have launched a raffle and a quiz night, and we are hoping to host two more events in early 2025. Thank you to all participants and well done to the winners of the raffle and quiz night! 

    Our next event will be a movie night held on the 10th January, and the movie is voted for from the three choices on our poster. We hope to see as many people there as possible!

    Thank you again to everyone who has already taken part in our events to support the worthwhile charity Bexley Snap.

    Aysu, Year 8

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  • Year 7 Power Day: Dragons' Den

    Published 18/12/24


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  • Checkmate! Year 7 Chess Challenge

    Published 23/07/24

    On the afternoon of 14th July, a team of seven Year 7 boys took on seven girls from Newstead Wood School, brought over by Dr Beaven, who recently taught some maths at BGS. This was the first inter-school chess competition that has happened at the school in more than eighteen years. It was initiated by Dr Beaven for our students to compete for the Asker-Beaven Cup (sadly more notional than real). Across four hard-fought rounds, the boys had to deal with the ebb and flow of emotions that come with sometimes winning, sometimes losing, but they ended the day as champions, with captain Enzo undefeated in all his games.

    The players were: Enzo, Chaitanya and Rantimi (7JR), Rassim, Matty and William (7TMR), and Soham (7LC).

    The team did brilliantly to keep themselves calm and focused as they faced strangers across the boards. At the halfway stage, it was neck-and-neck, before the BGS team stretched ahead. Credit to every player, each of whom won at least one of their games, contributing to a final score of 17-11.

    My thanks to Dr Beaven for giving us the opportunity to venture into the brutal world of competitive chess! Here's to many more matches in the future.

    Mr Asker, Chess Club Coordinator


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  • Year 9 trip to PGL, Barton Hall

    Published 26/06/24
    We came, we had an amazing time, we loved PGL!

    Year 9 had an incredible trip to PGL at Barton Hall, Devon. Despite rain and wind, all the 145 students took part in a diverse range of adventure and team-building activities. All the staff and students had a fabulous couple of days together. We even got to see Stonehenge on our journey, which was a great-added bonus!

    Some of our activities included: Survivor, which saw dens built and campfires lit with a flint and steel.

    We climbed up and abseiled down as well and completed the vertical challenge. Nothing would stop us reaching the top.

    Student comments

    A fun experience with a variety of activities and games as well as there always being something to do during free time.

    Roshan Jinse, 9MPM

    I loved PGL, it was one of my best experiences.

    I was scared to go at first, but I'm so glad I went because I got to try so many new things and activities I would never have done otherwise. I would definitely go again!

    Sophie Allen, 9FTM

    It was great fun. I enjoyed participating in the activities with my friends.

    Luke Martin, 9MPM

    A very nice experience. Many exciting activities, such as climbing, shooting and swimming. There were decent options for food, especially for Vegetarians and Vegans, which was very good for me personally. The people treated us very well and were very helpful. The rooms included bathrooms as well. Overall, it was a great experience and kept us away from our phones. I would definitely recommend it.

    Bhavin Mulchandani, 9STA

    PGL was a fun and memory-creating experience that we were all very lucky to go to. The activities were engaging, including archery, swimming, rifle shooting and abseiling, with my favourite one being the vertical challenge. The afternoon activities were great, with the disco getting all of us up and onto the dance floor having a fun time with our friends. Unfortunately, the campfire was cancelled due to the rain but the teachers and PGL leaders came through with a knowledge-testing quiz to end the second day. We left for school early afternoon the next day; all of us gutted to leave an experience behind that we'll talk about for years to come. On the way back, we drove past Stonehenge, just to top it off. Overall, this trip is not one I'll forget in a while.

    Dhylan Bracken, 9JMP

    Click on the link here to view the PGL, Barton Hall Photo Gallery

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  • Year 8 Maths Diploma

    Published 08/05/24

    For their Maths Diploma, Year 8 students were tasked with a statistical investigation of data which they had researched and/or collected themselves. Our hardworking students came up with some intriguing ideas - from asking their friends to identify their favourite food, to looking at the numbers associated with their favourite sports team or video game, to measuring how many kick-ups students of different ages can perform on the football pitch!

     They then used the statistical techniques they’ve been learning in lessons - including pie charts, bar charts, stem and leaf diagrams, box plots, cumulative frequency graphs, scatter graphs, linear correlation and regression, statistical summary calculations, and more - to study their data and to produce a report or poster of their analysis. Some of their excellent work can be seen below.

    Good job, Year 8!

    Mr Male, KS3 Maths Coordinator

    Click on the link here to view the Maths Diploma Photo Gallery

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  • MFL Diploma 2024

    Published 07/05/24

    For their MFL Diploma Year 7, students created a piece of work about themselves using the vocabulary they have learnt in lessons so far this year. Diplomas were judged on the quality of language and presentation.

    This year we had some absolutely wonderful projects with examples of outstanding language and creativity. The award for Best French Diploma goes to Suriya (7JR) and the Best German Diploma to Aysu (7LC).


    Well done to all our Year 7 students for completing this project on time and to such a high standard.

    Click on the link here to view the Year 7 MFL Diploma Photo Gallery

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  • Year 9 Through Our Eyes Project

    Published 27/03/24

    As you'll know, BGS students recently worked with End2End TV and 3 other local schools to research the history of our schools. Their work has continued to gain publicity, such as featuring on the BBC London news. Now they are also featured in the children's newspaper, First News. Well done to Mr Husbands, Mrs Goddard and our Year 9 students who took part.

    Mr Gilmore, Headteacher

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  • Year 7 Power Day Challenge, £1 for 1k

    Published 27/03/24

    Year 7 did brilliantly on Power Day, completing their £1 for 1k challenge, with some runners covering more than 15k! Thank you to the students for their hard work, and to everyone who sponsored them. Prizes will be announced soon.

    Mr Lines, Head of PE

    Click on the link here to view the Power Day, £1 for 1k Challenge Photo Gallery.

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  • Year 7 Media Correspondents Science Week Report

    Published 24/03/24

    Rocket Science

    Science has always been amazing but on Wednesday last week we had an extremely amazing show: The rocket show that we’re writing about today. The show consisted of multiple experiments and a lot of fire. But don’t worry, it was very safe.

    Charlotte’s favourite part of the show was when the balloon exploded due to the mixture of helium and a type of acid.

    Lakshi’s favourite part of the show was when we lit plastic bottles on fire, and they flung them in different directions.

    Another good part of the show was when Nathan demonstrated that, in fact, jetpacks will not be invented until a scientist can figure out how to balance human weight and the fuel used to fly.

    In conclusion, the show was a blast, and it was very entertaining, and we enjoyed it so much. We are so glad Nathan had time to show us the wonders of science, because with science, humans can achieve anything.

    Lakshi & Charlotte, Year 7 Correspondents

    Last Wednesday, KS3 had the pleasure of watching a live show of 'Wonderstruck' that was all about rocket science. It had absolutely everything, from jumping Rice Krispies to mind-blowing demolitions (amongst so much more). The show was interesting, exciting and really funny - it even had the participation of staff and peers.

    My favourite part, by far, was when we put together our very own homemade rocket engine. This was 2 litres, which we later found out was enough to propel a student (shout out to Jeeya) in a 'car' all the way across the hall. I thought this was especially cool because something so important to the field of science was right in front of us, so simple and easy to put together.

    Something else that confused me was when we set fire to a cotton wool ball and, while alight, could be picked up and tossed from one hand to the other. This proved how heat rises, so by bouncing it on a flat palm, you could avoid a nasty burn.

    The last thing I would like to talk about is one of those mind-blowing demolitions I mentioned previously. To do this, a huge balloon was filled with nitrogen, which I learnt at room temperature is a gas. Then finally, we set light to the balloon engulfing itself and the space around it in flames. To top it all off, it created a mighty bang that, even with my ears covered, was immensely loud.

    Overall, I really enjoyed this show. I learnt so much without even realising it; what an opportunity to watch first hand. Oh and, of course, I will not forget, as they kept telling us: do not try this at home!

    Ayla, Year 7 Correspondent

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  • Year 9 success at the Mock Magistrates Trial

    Published 22/03/24

    On Saturday 23rd March, a small group of Year 9 students headed to Bromley Magistrates Court for the inter-schools regional competition. The students had been working with Mrs Belton Owen and Mrs Ellis to prepare over the last half-term. This had been a big commitment from students, as they had to understand the case, take responsibility for preparing how to question witnesses as well as understand the role that they had to play in the trial. Students had the opportunity to play all the key roles, including magistrates, lawyers, witnesses, legal advisers and ushers. I was lucky enough to go into the first competition and witness them in action. I was hugely impressed with their ability to perform under pressure and respond to the witnesses' responses. The judges commented that Bexley Grammar students were well-prepared and asked very good and clear questions. Judges commented that our three magistrates were very attentive and able to speak and justify their opinions, which helped make decisions about the case.

    After working very hard on our case, Kartikeya and I went up against Harris School for Girls. Their prosecution team put up a good case, but ultimately we won.

    Overall, it was nerve-racking, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. As the 2nd defence lawyer, I questioned the witness on the stand. I have loved this experience overall, working with my friends and learning how to prepare a case. I am so glad I took part in this opportunity.

    Yasmin Mofakham, Year 9 

    Being in court the room felt surreal; being cross-examined by the opposing school prosecution was certainly more pressure than I had anticipated. When the magistrates came back in, I was sure that I would be found guilty, but we won. I would definitely do this again.

    Emily Chan, Year 9

    Overall, we came second against the other local schools in the competition. Feedback from the competition judges quoted

    “Bexley Grammar School prosecution were excellent and presented good arguments that showed knowledge of the case”.  Also, that “the defendant was natural and confident and the court usher was clear, precise and accurate”.

    My congratulations go to all the students that took part in this opportunity.

    Well done, they are definitely future lawyers in the making.

    Mrs Belton Owen
    Director of Studies, Year 9

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