TSBA Book Group

Last term, Year 7 and Year 8 students participated in the TSBA book club, thanks to the generosity of the PA. They read eight books on the theme of 'You Are Here', a selection of books set in far-away countries or different historical periods. The book they voted as their favourite was A Flash of Fireflies by Aisha Bushby, a book about a young girl relocating from Kuwait to England. Their second favourite was Dogs of the Deadlands by Anthony McGowan, a book which focused on the dogs who were abandoned after the Chernobyl disaster in 1986. All the books that we read are available on a display in the library, so please pop up and borrow a book.
Mrs Carey, Librarian
I really enjoyed attending Book Club after school because reading is definitely my favourite hobby, and we did lots of fun activities based on books we read at the Book Club and even got to make our own imaginary movie trailers! I liked when we made a podcast the best, as we got to discuss in detail the book we chose (Dogs of the Deadlands, in my case). Making trailers was also quite fun too, as was acting out the storyboard. I also got to know new people from Year 7, because I was placed in a group where I only knew one person.
There are definite perks to joining the Book Club, like indulging in your hobby and meeting new people, but other than that, we had biscuits at every meeting! I especially enjoyed the last meeting, because we played a Kahoot quiz and ate three kinds of cake -Victoria sponge, carrot and chocolate as well as chocolate biscuits!
I would definitely recommend going to the Book Club; it was a fun and an easy way to settle in and make new friends!
Safaa Abdul-Aziz, Year 7