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Baltic States Trip 2024

The school trip to the Baltic States was phenomenal. It was a great opportunity to experience the cultures of the Baltic States, and gain an insight into their fascinating history. It was also a great opportunity to practice my Russian - I purchased so many Russian books on the trip, my suitcase burst open at Gatwick Airport! We visited various museums in Tallinn and Riga, and went on guided tours of both cities, from which we learnt some fascinating stories about their past. One interesting story we heard from our guide in Riga was about a man who would not be allowed into a guild, which prompted him to purchase the building opposite the guild house, and place statues of cats on the roof out of spite, with their backsides facing the guild house. One of the highlights of the trip was a cooking class in Tallinn, in which we were taught to make Пельмени (Russian dumplings), which were served with borscht and black bread - all delectable Russian foods. Thrilling, enriching, and packed with unforgettable experiences, the entire trip was an absolute blast!

Malin Karasimov, 13 KSK

During the first part of the Easter holidays, we visited Riga in Latvia and Tallinn in Estonia. I really enjoyed it! We went to local museums and restaurants, and had guided tours of the two cities' old towns, which are truly beautiful. We had opportunities to explore the cities for ourselves, buy souvenirs, take hundreds of photos, and find out about local culture. For me, it was not just a welcome break from preparing for GCSEs, but one of the best weeks of my life :)

Here are some of my favourite memories (the full list would be way too long):

  • The tour of Riga old town - we had a legendary tour guide.
  • Swinging on the swings, a Latvian Easter tradition (apparently it stops mosquitoes from attacking you during summer!).
  • Listening to street musicians on a pretty lit-up evening in Riga.
  • Seeing the old Soviet radio equipment in the Viru hotel & KGB museum in Tallinn.
  • Making traditional pelmeni and vareniki dumplings at the Troika restaurant (and eating them).
  • Malin, doing maths from a textbook at 7 am in the hotel lobby.
  • Countless friends group in-jokes.

Winter Smythe, 11AMM

At 5am on the first day of the Easter holidays, a group of sleepy Russian-speaking students from Year 9 up to Year 13 embarked on a six-day adventure in Latvia and Estonia. Between balmy, sunny Riga at 17°C and rainy, snowy, windy Tallinn at 0°C, we had it all - culture and history, VR games, a cooking workshop, a walk in the woods and a visit to an Estonian Russian-speaking school. For many students, it was the first residential secondary school trip, a chance to spend time with their friends in a new environment. Not just the students, the members of staff who went on the trip had an amazing time too!

Ms Zotova, MFL Department

Click here to view the Baltic States Trip 2024 Photo Gallery