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  • Much Ado About Numbers Review ​​​​​​​

    Published 02/10/24

    Walking into K10 - the theatre room also for assemblies - a slight sense of uncertainty hung over us. We were all wondering the same thing: what did our English teacher mean by: "Shakespeare and Numbers"? Most of us thought it was a bit odd, revisiting Shakespeare, a topic we had long since left behind in Year 8 Drama. After all, Shakespeare was a playwright and poet, not a figure you would associate with mathematics. But Rob Eastaway was about to change that perception.

    His presentation, spanning from Academic Monitoring to the end of Period 3, had to be captivating - and did not disappoint our expectations. He began, asking if we identified more as "Maths" or "Shakespeare" people, illustrating this with a Venn diagram on the board. Unsurprisingly, most of us leaned towards Maths, and few admitted to having any fondness for Shakespeare. Even fewer claimed to fall into both categories. Eastaway then boldly predicted that by the end of his talk, more of us would find ourselves in one, if not both, camps.

    He explained that his grasp of mathematics would have been equivalent to what a modern Year 6 student learns, suggesting that we, as Year 8 students, were already more mathematically advanced than him. To illustrate this point, he showed how little maths was in his plays, hence the clever title of his book, Much Ado About Numbers.

    Eastaway had an impressive ability to hold our attention for a full hour and 15 minutes. Throughout the presentation, he gave us fascinating insights into how Shakespeare had learnt back then and how challenging even basic mathematical operations, like multiplication and division, were in his time. At one point, even inviting students to the front to demonstrate it.

    In between, he engaged us with quiz questions that explored how people approached problems back then. All in all, the assembly was not only informative but unexpectedly enjoyable and engaging.

    Samuel Okedeyi and Avyan Poojari, Year 9

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  • World Book Day 2024

    Published 20/03/24

    For this year's annual World Book Day, the busiest day in the English Department’s calendar, we all went out with events and activities galore!

     As always, we had our most enthusiastic readers dress up as their favourite book characters. This event took place on Thursday 7th of March 2024 and provided a fantastic opportunity to celebrate the joy of reading.

    Anh Nguyen & Leandra Fadiga, Year 12 English Prefects

    Let's Dress Up!

    Year 7 and 8 in some brilliant costumes and with some great book/prop combos! Our favourite costume was the Frog Prince (front row - you can’t miss him!)

    Year 12 English prefects and teachers join in on dressing up too! 
    Can you work out which character they are?



















    Ultimate Reading Competition

    At BGS, World Book Day is a big deal, and we try to find extraordinary ways to celebrate it; and it usually involves a lot of healthy (yet fierce) competition. One such competition being… The Ultimate Reading Challenge. Students were asked to share a photo of themselves reading in a weird and wonderful location, and the winner was bestowed upon them a £10 book voucher!

    The Ultimate Reading
    Challenge Winner
    Drake, Year 7

    The Runners-up 







    Sophia, Year 7                                                       Liv, Year 8
    In Mr Gilmore's Office                                        Under a chair
    Post-it note Story Competition

    Another one of our many competitions, students were required to write a short story on a post-it note and give their entries to Mrs Carey (the school librarian). While this may have seemed like an impossible task for many, a lot of students came through and there were a lot of creative and fascinating entries. After a lot of consideration and thought by a panel of Year 12 English Prefects...

    The Winner, Aysu, Year 7
    The runners-up were Daniel and Aarush (both in Year 7)
    Workshop with Ross Welford

    Selected Year 7 students were invited to participate in a Creative Writing Workshop with Ross Welford - author of The 1000 Year Old Boy. Here, these students learnt directly from a published author various insights and knowledge of how best to express themselves through literature! Fun was had by all attendees, and it was a valuable experience for all!


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  • Year 10 Jack Petchey Public Speaking Competition

    Published 13/03/24

    This year, the Year 10s were able to take part in the Jack Petchey Public Speaking competition. Those who signed up were trained in writing speeches then performed these for their fellow peers.

    I was lucky enough to be one of the judges and hear all the inspirational, creative speeches that were written. It was genuinely a hard decision to make as each speech made such valid points and were all well-spoken and calculated in their speeches.

    The results were in order:

    • 1st place: Louis Luckman
    • 2nd place: Omolade Paul-Taiwo
    • 3rd place: Hattie Pigott-Deayer

    Louis will now move on to representing BGS in the regional finals: good luck, Louis!

    The judges were: Mr Husbands, Chizara and Astrid

    MC: Ms Adeaga

    Congratulations to all who participated as you all did so well!

    Chizara, Year 12 English Prefect

    It was amazing to see what the Year 10s could come up with in terms of their speeches and the creativity embedded into each of their unique speeches. It was an honour to be able to judge them on their desired topics and interesting to see how each speech was inspired by their own personal experiences.

    Astrid, Year 12 English Prefect

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  • Year 8 Literacy News

    Published 01/03/24

    Well done to all entrants for the 'This is Me' Poetry competition earlier in the year. All poems were anonymised and judged by a panel of staff and Sixth Form English Prefects. They are incredibly impressed by the quality of work and found it very difficult to decide on an overall winner. 

    Congratulations to Nibodh Shrestha (8GTG). Princess Otto (8ERR) and Nifemi Abimbola (8ERR) won the top awards! Please see Nibodh's winning poem below. 

    Ripples of Me

    Looking into a pond, a reflection you will see
    The ripples of water, consisting of me.
    Appearing calm, with elegance bestowed
    A piece of art, precisely composed

    Full of aid, the guiding light,
    Shining ever so bright,
    Showing the way, 
    Among the excellence of my rays

    Upon the gaze of a mirror, you will see
    My soul’s reflection, still and free
    Appearing calm, with elegance bestowed
    A piece of art, precisely composed

    Thoughtfully orchestrated, a euphonious tune
    From all dissonance, it is immune
    The thoughtful composition is of such fashion
    My harmonies showing much compassion

    Through a window, you will see
    The echoed essence of me
    Appearing calm, with elegance bestowed
    A piece of art, precisely composed

    A tree all full of ripe fruits
    For only giving it pursuits
    All the nourishment it shall provide
    Every fruit eaten comes a bounteous tide

    In my reflections I discover my core
    As the world continues more and more
    Guided by light, seen through art
    I shall have presented myself by my heart.

    Our next Young Writers Competition is 'Fright Club'.  A ghost story is a timeless classic style of creative writing, and we're inviting Year 8 to write their own short story inspired by things that go bump in the night! They could be inspired by a real place that is rumoured to be haunted, choose a supernatural being to be the star of their story or even be a ghost hunter telling us of their experiences. We encourage them to use atmosphere, tension and suspense to create their own hair-raising tale. Please note that there is a 250-word limit with prizes being awarded at the end of Spring term assembly. The deadline for entries to be sent to Mrs Boulden is Friday 22nd March. 

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  • Creative Writing Club Crowns Victors of “The Glitch!”

    Published 21/02/24

    This week at KS3 Creative Writing Club, the English Prefects and Mr Griffin had the proud opportunity to award our following members with their certificates for “The Glitch” writing competition. They are all now published writers!

    As well as the following three (who didn’t attend this week, but still won nonetheless!):

         Aarush Upadhye
         Isobel Grime
         Arthur Loeff Freitas

    The extracts submitted were truly exceptional, made even more impressive that they were all written during the club, across multiple weeks! A tremendous congratulations to all those who entered!

    Year 12, English Prefects Team

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  • Creative Writing Workshop

    Published 07/02/24

    A Creative Writing Workshop took place on Monday 5th February in L6.

    It was led by author Ayaan Mohamud who wrote the book “You Think You Know Me”.

    The workshop consisted of three activities which helped us to write our own short stories and poems. After we had finished writing these, we got the chance to share what we had written with the group if we wanted to.

    The author then addressed any questions that we had about the book she wrote and explained the publishing process and where she got inspiration to write the bestselling novel. Her second novel ‘The Thread That Connects Us’ comes out in July this year.

    Overall, I really enjoyed the workshop and found it good to listen to how other people wrote a story around a specific prompt in various different ways. 

    Thank you to Mrs Watkins for arranging the event.

    Caitlin Gorman, Year 9

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  • Thursday 3rd March. World Book Day. The most important day on the English department’s calendar: especially when it’s the 25th anniversary!

    Published 24/03/22

    From the moment you walked into the school it was clear the World Book Day bonanza had already begun! The first activity, by the main reception, was to match the prop to the book, and we had everything from Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone by J.K. Rowling to Ratburger by David Walliams; these childhood classics that you never tire of was the perfect way to engage and bring together all the members of our school community. Throughout the day, all students had the chance to put their knowledge to the test as each year had a quiz tailored to their understanding of the writing world, and it is opportunities like this that really encourage self-expression and help students to be more confident, particularly in their literary skills. We feel that this is a key point to have in mind when planning events like these: what will the students obtain from this experience? 


    Now, we cannot go any further without elaborating on the magnificent costumes that were so wonderfully executed by the Year 7 and 8 students and our own Year 12 prefects. The time as set for 10:15 for the photo that took characters from every piece of literature in existence. A collision of worlds brought a happy, cheerful school community together! It was a superb atmosphere that somehow made the most menacing book characters smile for once, and that is coming from a certain Miss Agatha Trunchbull! Even the department teachers dressed up too: we had Mr Griffin, Mr Husbands and Mr Otley as the Three Musketeers and Mrs Stoddard as Mary Poppins, to name a few! (See pic, above). Besides this, there were also a variety of competitions to take part in: guess theteacher’s costume, a 10 word ‘Post-It note Story’ writing competition and the Ultimate Book Cover challenge. Leo Demyan in 7STA won our ultimate book reading challenge with one of the most creative pictures we had ever seen!

    Amazingly, Neewa Subba from 7MAM got every single answer right on the picture quiz!

    I also had the joy of reading everyone’s ‘Post-It note Stories’, and really struggled to narrow it down to my favourites as they were all so brilliantly crafted! A big well done to Isabella Hugget in 8RAS- it was an extremely emotive piece of writing in just a few words showing just how powerful words can be. It is truly amazing to witness the talent of our students and the sheer enthusiasm and passion they have for these events!

    On Friday 4th March, we were privileged to have a Zoom call with the wonderful Manjeet Mann, who shared her journey of discovery as a writer. Her story shows how English and writing is not limiting; it actually can provide you as well as others with so many different opportunities and take you anywhere you want it to!

    Above all, “Drop Everything and Read!” was truly the icing on the cake of this day, allowing you to take a minute to relax, to just simply be on your own with your thoughts and a book in order to have a much-needed break. It is so important to encourage students to read nowadays and “Drop Everything and Read!” is the first stepping stone in the ocean of joy that you can find within the world of a book!

    A big thank you to the English Department and Mrs Carey the Librarian for organising the day.

    Rachel Smith and Maximilian Armstrong-Moulinie Year 12 English Prefects


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  • Ex-BGS student publishes future bestseller!

    Published 10/02/22

    The new and exciting entrant in YA fiction, the author Finn Longman, brought one of their most intricate pieces of crime riddling thriller to Bexley Grammar school on Monday 31st January. They discussed with their audience of eager English Language students the journeys of finally being a published writer after 12 years of writing drafts from their teenage years and how they found different writing styles and genres. Trying to relocate peace in the chambers of writing and reinvent the modern crime genre, their mission is to get rid of the typical “attractive female protagonist romance” stigma that has suddenly plagued all modern authors to write about to make the book “sellable” and market it better to younger audiences. They say that this book, as well as an attempt at removing said stigma, was also a way of expressing their feelings towards certain bits of injustice in society, although they have mentioned that some things which are in the book were intentional, and others not so much.

    Finn also talked to us about how they approach world-building in writing and the way they found the made-up language of Esperanto as well as it being a driving factor for the town’s name and the language the characters spoke in the book. Finally, Finn gave us a very early taste of the book “The Butterfly Assassin” (codenamed the Dark Butterfly in its early stages).  The book is about a secret assassin programme for minors in which the protagonist, Isabel Ryans, has been part of since a little girl. Living in the fictional city of Espera, a top-secret ammunition site built after WW2, the two rival organisations which control the city are being attracted by this unaffiliated killer who is cold-bloodedly roaming the streets and wanting to recruit her into their organisation. Despite this, Isabel wants to live a normal life but after running away from home she meets a new friend which for the first time in ages gives her hope. Will the blood on her hands cost her everything? You can find out when the book will gracefully land on the 26th of May 2022 and is available for pre-order on most book-selling platforms.

    Before departing, I want to thank Mrs Quinton for arranging this opportunity for the English department. ‘Till next time!

    Alexandru Ionita
    Year 12, English Prefect


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  • The Elephant Vanishes

    Published 18/11/21

    Following our study of Haruki Murakami's short story collection, The Elephant Vanishes, in our HL English class, I recommended that students should read an interview with Murakami and Mieko Kawakami in which she questions his representation of his female characters. In response to the interview and her own reading, Alison Balint reflects on his work from a feminist perspective in this thought provoking article.

    Ms Hanington 


    In an interview with Mieko Kawakami,  celebrated Japanese author  Haruki Murakami  discusses the feminist critiques of his work, which are often considered to objectify women. There are numerous interpretations of Murakami's work that view his portrayal of women as overtly sexual and not full characters, but rather as mere catalysts for the progression of the (usually) male character.

    I think what's most striking about Murakami's responses is his unwillingness/ inability to recognise the social context of his objectification of women. While he may not necessarily intend to portray women in a purely sexual/ non-sentient way, that is a very common interpretation/ impact of his work, and yet he continues to assert the fact that he merely portrays his characters as human beings, who happen to be male or female. 

    I definitely am a bit more unsure of where I stand on a feminist interpretation of Murakami's work, due to the fact that he seems to harbour an apathy towards his inadvertent display of traditional gender roles. But this perceived 'apathy' may be a positive thing, in the sense that he simply chooses to write what he wants and feels is true, not beholden to the pressures of political correctness. From my own inherently Western and feminist perspective/bias, the concept of valuing a lack/ unawareness of political correctness feels very foreign, but perhaps there is more to be gained when accepting that there is no way to justify a text making me feel uncomfortable. A freedom, perhaps, that we have erased from our liberal society: discomfort. 

    Speaking about his characters, Murakami states that 'on a fundamental level, before I see them as a man or woman, I see them as a human being', but I think that personally, I would be unable to not consider a person's gender, due to how deeply my gender has impacted my life and personal experiences. The idea that we can divorce a person of something so defining as gender seems almost dehumanising and reckless to me, on a personal level. It would be as if I were disregarding someone's very essence. And yet, Murakami challenges what defines an individual, and how an individual chooses to make sense of the world around them. I think that because we are so rarely confronted with texts that challenge our perception so deeply, there is the possibility for an immediate disconnect with Murakami's work, but instead, we react very emotionally, be it positively, negatively, or somewhere in between.

    Due to the lack of continuous action or events, Murakami's stories may initially appear simplistic, but there is always a feeling of something beneath the surface that we just haven't grasped yet. And Murakami's refusal to explain, or even explore his characters seems fundamentally autonomous, as if he is flagrantly disregarding an established social convention. In our society, we constantly demand explanations and purpose, and through his withholding of this, Murakami not only shocks, but provides us with the rare opportunity to form intensely personal interpretations.

    What a great read!

    Alison Balint, Year 13

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  • National Poetry Day 2021 ~ Poetry Competition

    Published 21/10/21

    Poetry judges were very impressed and could say on behalf of the English department that they were also delighted with the vast number of entries to the poetry competition with pupils from all across different year groups and houses battling for the podium and the number one spot. We congratulate the number one spot (Tara Kale) for their very intricate and thought-provoking response on the theme of Choice, which discussed human judgement when it comes to preserving the earth and the distribution of our natural resources. Is it fair for others to belittle our motherland? Or for others to diminish the efforts of humanitarian activists in an attempt to save the planetary rock on which more than 7 billion people live on?

    Second place was nabbed by Jessica Davis in Year 8 due to her amazing use of language and poetic techniques which reminded us of the poet Year 12 Higher English is studying, Seamus Heaney, for its motif of nature. A very impressive piece of writing especially for someone in such a young year group. The short, snappy sentences used really created a sense of urgency and hammered home the anxiety that sometimes comes with making a decision.

    Coming in at third, Mya Fewell (Year 11) wrote an allegorical poem. The powerful use of a semantic field of fire really made her poem stand out. We also liked how the reader was forced to reflect on the consequences of their choices through the use of rhetorical questions. A line from the poem we particularly liked was the idea that “words could be soaked in venom, dripping down my neck and into the ground” as it created (idk what I’m trying to say here icl).

    We judged the entries on their unique and interesting perspectives on Choice and what it meant to them, and how that translated into their poems. Whilst we were thoroughly impressed by the top three entries, we would also like to give a special mention to one poem which had a completely unique approach, and we thought deserved to be recognised even though it didn’t make the top three. This poem wasn’t lengthy and grandiose in size but packed a punch in as little as eight words clearly proving that a poem doesn’t have to be the size of an epic but depict, or in this instance think creatively, of the issue and topic they are willing to address. The poem read as follows: “My choice is to not write a poem”

    Alexandru Ionita and Anya Scothern, Year 12

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  • Lecture with Questions & Answers from Sarah Lasoye, ex-BGS published poet!​​​​​​​

    Published 30/09/21

    From the faded hues of her past, to the electric present and palpable future, Sarah Lasoye’s writing explores the boundaries of memories and experience through abstract and narrative poems without losing touch with the values that we should all hold dear.

    The fantastic poet and alumna of Bexley Grammar came on Thursday 23rd of September to read and discuss poems from her debut collection of poems (“Fovea / Ages Ago''), which depict a timeline of her young life and the transition into adulthood through abstract and narrative stories in which she appears as vulnerable to the reader as possible. The sharing of inquisitive and personal contemplations on her childhood and growth as a person would remain a recurring theme throughout the first few poems where she starts the book discussing her impulsive need of lying to which she reflects on today as being a stairwell to discovering her true identity and comically saying it served as a mask hiding her evil spirit of being a child. After reciting a brief assembly of poems from her own book, Sarah Lasoye shared her experiences of talking to prosperous poets and how their guidance has had a tremendous impact on the way she fabricates poems nowadays.

    She spoke of how she writes her poems, almost the opposite of the typical, solitary occupation that we often associate with writing; Lasoye revels in the inspiration of being in a communal space, taking in the mood and the atmosphere, always sourcing ideas from the urban environment around her. This is integral to her as a person, informing her view of the world and thus influencing her writing, leading to a wild array of poems covering each part of life and the limitless boundaries of our recollection in her chapbook.


    Do you feel it is important, when writing, to have the audience at the front of your mind?

    Yes and no.  Sarah wanted to convey that the key idea when writing is not all the people who read your work will love it, in fact, some of them will hate it.  But she didn’t feel that this negative feedback was as important as we might think it to be; if you love writing and feel that it is your true purpose, no amount of cynical opinions can sway you from your true audience. And for Sarah, these are her close friends.


    Given that you take great inspiration from public spaces, how did the lockdown affect your writing?

    In isolation Sarah still met up with her friends over zoom, working together and reading and reviewing each other's work, so she still had that feeling of community to fuel her writing. This method of support was something that they had done before lockdown, retaining a sense of normality, but it helped her to tailor her work to an audience of like-minded people. Sometimes they gave back constructive criticism, that Sarah could then decide whether or not to take on board; she feels that there are some essential concepts in her writing that no amount of criticism could bring her to remove them. 


    Lasoye also addressed how finally being able to call herself a poet was a great mental milestone and wished she would've done so earlier, as many young aspiring poets and general people give up their dream of writing because they mistake the word to be of immense worth in the literal community (which it can be) and them not being worthy enough to attribute it to themselves, when in reality anyone can call themselves a poet and write literary pieces with just pen and paper, leaving readers to think that maybe her collection of poems could also serve as a symbol of inspiration to others who may think that they’re not good enough to write because they aren’t entitled poets or have a profession in such department. Sarah Lasoye talked about how she herself wasn’t even close to a career path related to poetry in school, as she graduated with a biomedical science degree from university, clearly surpassing the social misunderstanding and going on to become a published artist with poems she would write in her spare time.

    Finally, she showed the crowd some poems from her also published friends which were more “anarchist” and “wild” (as described by the poet herself!).

    This makes her writing what it is, a gloriously abstract amalgamation that speaks true to who she is: a wonderful poet and a truly inspiring, charismatic individual.

    Thank you to Mrs Quinton for arranging this fascinating poetry reading and Q & A session.

    Alex Ionita and Max Armstrong-Moulini 
    Year 12 English Prefects

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  • The English Department celebrates International Women’s Day

    Published 08/03/21

    International Women’s Day is celebrated on the 8th March. On that day, we celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements that women have accumulated for decades. March 8th is a significant day for women as it reminds us of how everything began. Women’s Day started as a labour movement. In 1908, 15,000 women marched through New York City demanding shorter working hours, better pay and the right to vote. The Socialist Party of America declared the first National Woman's Day in 1909.

    A few students were asked “What does International Women’s Day mean to you?” and these were the responses:

    “International Women’s Day is not just about embodying the empowerment that being a woman creates. It is a day that brings a sense of proudness and joy in the realisation that women have come so far and will continue to do so. The day highlights our accomplishments no matter their race or sexuality or beliefs.” - Jada Asraf-Clarke, 12CSL

    “International Women’s Day is a time for reflection of the past to see how far we have come since then. Additionally, it is a day of appreciation for Women, and a day to make ourselves known to struggles that women have had to face since they had no rights. However, there is still a lot that needs to be changed in regards to the gender gap, and equality in several countries around the world” - Oluwatofunmi Onakoya, 12CSL

     “International Women’s Day is important for recognising the women in our society, and our world, and their value, which is often disregarded. It’s also quite sad because it highlights where we have failed to account for women and how we have to constantly remind ourselves to accommodate them. Its significance is twofold. On the one hand, it shows how we haven’t given enough thought to women, yet on the other hand, through acknowledging this, we are on the way to securing women’s rights and equality.” - Joy Hui,12JMB

    Black writers and their books for you to have on your reading list:

    • I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou
    • Noughts & Crosses by Malorie Blackman
    • The Master’s Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master’s House by Audre Lorde
    • The Color Purple by Alice Walker
    • Swing Time by Zadie Smith
    • Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
    • Sister Outsider by Audre Lorde

    Emily Falegan, English Prefect

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